Empower Others Through Leadership!

Are you ready to embark on a journey where you can guide others to unlock their true potential? With LMI Canada, you can become a Certified Leadership Development Specialist and inspire change in your community.

Pioneering Change in Untapped Provinces

Looks like you are the one we’ve been waiting for, and this is your moment to shine! Envision yourself as a leader in your community, the first to bring our transformative programs to your area. You won’t just be starting a business; you’ll be lighting the path for future leaders and creating a legacy of empowerment.

Picture yourself hosting workshops, mentoring individuals, and building a network of inspired leaders. By joining us, you can build a thriving business that fulfills your dreams while uplifting others to achieve theirs.

Connect with Us to Start Your Journey!

Together, we can expand our reach and transform lives across Canada. Are you ready to embrace this exciting challenge and become a champion of leadership in your province? Your journey starts here.

Take the First Step Toward Your Dream Today!

Canadian Representatives of a Globally Recognized Brand

LMI Canada’s team members are extremely talented and qualified members of the larger, globally recognized Leadership Management International brand. Our offices located throughout the country are committed to bringing the industry leading developmental programs of our founder, Paul J. Meyer, to Canada in hopes of promoting stronger leadership within Canadian organizations.

As an organization, we believe in promoting stronger leadership. We work with individuals, teams and companies to empower people to take control of their attitudes and raise their performance.

If you’re in Canada and interested in a personal leadership development coach or somebody to help you promote stronger management within your organization, browse our National locations to find a practitioner near you. Our people can change your life or company by showing you how to set and achieve goals you haven’t allowed yourself to believe are possible.

Browse our National Locations to find a Leadership Development Coach near you by clicking on your province!

Select a team member to go directly to their bio page.

Ontario Coaches:

LMI Canada Ancaster
2 Thoroughbred Blvd.
Ancaster, Ontario
Phone: 905-745-0657
LMI Canada Cambridge
136 Castlewwood
Cambridge, Ontario N1R8K7
Phone: 5196517972
Mobile: 5196517972
LMI Canada Kingston
100 Medley Court, Unit 48
Kingston, Ontario K7K 6X2
Phone: 613-547-3372
Mobile: 613-547-3372
LMI Canada Burlington
1099 Forestvale Dr
Burlington, Ontario L7P4W3
Phone: 905-577-2092
Mobile: 905-577-2092
LMI Canada Ajax
6 Balsdon Court
Ajax, Ontario L1S6E9
Phone: 416-669-7644
Mobile: 416-669-7644
LMI Canada Toronto
Toronto, Ontario L4Z3E3
Phone: 416-888-4846
Mobile: 416-888-4846
LMI Canada Stouffville
103 Penndutch Circle
Stouffville, Ontario L4A0P2
Phone: 647-207-4113
Mobile: 647-207-4113
LMI Canada Mississauga
Mississauga, Ontario
Phone: 416 627 3893
Mobile: 416 627 3893
LMI Canada Whitby
Whitby, Ontario
Phone: 647-627-3893
Mobile: 647-627-3893
LMI Canada Mississauga
205 Matheson Blvd. East, Unit 15
Mississauga, Ontario L4Z3E3
Phone: 905-890-0504
Mobile: 416-318-5821
LMI Canada Hamilton
Servicing Golden Horseshoe Areas: Peel-Halton-Hamilton-Niagara
Hamilton, Ontario
Mobile: 647-241-6499
LMI Canada Richmond Hill
Richmond Hill, Ontario
Phone: N/A
Mobile: N/A
LMI Canada Mississauga
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 4W6
Mobile: 403-973-4266
LMI Canada Mississauga
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 4W6
Phone: 4034719277
Mobile: 4034719277
LMI Canada Toronto
Toronto, Ontario M9C 4X6
Mobile: 416 873 5042