Attitude is Everything TM !
Attitude is everything! Learn how you will develop a serious commitment to personal and professional excellence. You have the freedom and the right of choosing the destination and charting the course for yourself. When you adopt the attitudes and apply the principles in this course you become the pilot and the navigator of an incredible success journey.In fact, one of his guiding maxims is that, “self-confidence can be gained only through practical know-how, know-how comes from experience, and experience comes from a willingness to confront obstacles and situations that others fear.” Will teach you the power of positive expectancy, the difference between winners and losers, and provide you with all the tools to forming a winning and determined attitude.
What did you get from the program?
- Support from the LMI Facilitator (if requested) guides the Participant’s day-to-day application of the learning
- Complete resource materials allow multi-sensory learning
- Thirteen interactive sessions are facilitated in convenient bi-weekly workshops
- Participants present key results and a summary of course accomplishments at a special Graduation Meeting. Certificates are awarded
Course content – What you will learn
- Concepts of Success, Motivation & Attitude Changes
- Success as Related to Past Conditioning
- Attitude and Habits – The Effective Motivators
- The Power of Goal Setting
- There’s Power in Positive Expectancy!
- How Positive Expectancy Works
- Developing an Attitude of Positive Expectancy
- What’s the Difference Between Lose r s and Winners?
- Attitudes of Winners
- Behaviour of Winners
- Results Enjoyed by People at the Top
- Physical Abundance
- The Abundance of Mental Potential
- The Choice Is yours
- Unleashing and Using Your Potential
- Abundance Attitude: Results and Rewards
- Establish a Purpose for Life
- Transforming Dreams into Reality
- Successfully Managing Distractions
- Successfully Programming Your Goal Setting Computer
- Putting the Power of Goal Setting into Action
- Enhancing Your Self – Image
- Principles That Get Results
- The Transforming Power of Desire
- Desire Makes a Difference!
- Making Desire and Self – Motivation a Way of Life
- The Hallmarks of Genuine Desire
- A Key to Personal and Professional Fulfillment
- Controlling the Emotional Climate
- Tactics for Developing Enthusiasm
- The Benefits of Enthusiasm
- The Need for a Confident Approach to Winning
- A Tough Attitude Toward Your Career
- A Tough Attitude Toward Yourself
- A Tough Mental Attitude Toward Problems
- A Tough Mental Attitude Through Goal Setting
- Why People Quit
- A Plan for Developing Persistence
- Turning Adversity into Opportunity
- The Impact of the Invisible
- Choosing to Change
- The Positive Force of Enthusiasm
- The Energizing Force of De sire
- The Magnetic Power of Personal Charisma
- Synergizing Positive Life Forces
- A Creative Outlet
- A Fascination with Work
- The Rejuvenating Effects of Work
- The Joys of Self – Discipline
- Achieving a Balanced Life
- Facing Reality
- Giving and Receiving Freely
- The Freedom to Become the Best and Brightest You!
Popular Courses in Family Programs
Designed with ten core lessons geared to balance your self-image and money building consciousness. Develop an action plan, managing cashflow, and leveraging untapped profitable opportunities. You and your family will discover the fundamentals to successful, and calculated risk taking while discovering new, unlimited resources of opportunities.
Education and knowledge are, and always will be, the cornerstones of success. Achieving Academic Success program will teach you how to enjoy tomorrow’s success today by helping you tap into time and motivation to develop effective study habits that set you along a path to achieving your goals.