Mel Kennah
"To be a lead actor in the many roles I play in life and continually work at developing a better version of myself. I want others to be able to breath a little easier because of my contribution. "

Mel Kennah
"To be a lead actor in the many roles I play in life and continually work at developing a better version of myself. I want others to be able to breath a little easier because of my contribution. "

The LMI experience encourages and supports the articulation of a personal mission statement.  Here is mine: To be a lead actor in the many roles I play in life and continually work at developing a better version of myself.  I want others to be able to breath a little easier because of my contribution.

This is easy to understand and hard to achieve.  More than great strength or great intelligence; its fulfilment demands continuous effort from me directed toward pushing out the front edges of this mission statement.

In my career as Executive Director of one of the largest non-profits organizations in the province I have been blessed with having a dream job.  It has enabled me to develop an array of programs and services to support at-risk youth to overcome
their barriers to healthy development and succeed in becoming connected, productive and contributing members of society.  As the senior administrator I lead a team of twenty managers, and I have been able to provide guidance and direction in
their journey of professional development.  In the last 20 years this role has given me the opportunity to grow the organization to five times its size since I started; and to diversify the range & location of service delivery.

My wife and I have been foster parents for the past thirty years and have had over one hundred children and youth live with us.  This lifestyle choice has brought with it many unique self discoveries and permitted tremendous insights into what
perseverance and directed effort can achieve.  Seeing so many youths move from risk to resilience has been as inspiring as it has been gratifying.  Anything is possible.

Volunteering has been a central pathway for me in supporting others who are struggling.  I am Past President of three non-profit organizations, a Rotarian, and currently serve on the Executive of two non-profit organizations.

I have assisted several organizations in New Brunswick, North West Territories and Scotland with their fund raising or strategic planning initiatives.   It is always exciting to see an organization develop a vision for the future and turn
it into a reality through goal directed action.

I became involved with LMI in 2017 and have completed three LMI programs to date.  As a lifelong learner I have had many education and professional development adventures.  LMI is unique in that it assisted me professionally with increased
knowledge, but more importantly it helped me become a better person in the roles I play in life.  Better planning, higher level of commitment, better efficacy in decision making, better attitudes and greater results.  The LMI experience
is truly transformational and having the privilege of sharing this information and growth power with others is why I became an LMI Associate.

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